Hello, my lovely readers!
It’s the first of June today so Me-Made-May 2019 is officially finished. If you read my blog regularly then you know that I approached MMMAY19 differently this year: I made three wardrobe capsules with 30 me-made garments.
So at the end of May, it means that not only I did I finish my third wardrobe capsule but I finished my total wardrobe capsule experience. Below, you can read how it went.
Spoiler: I loved it!
My third capsule: ‘Everything goes’
The only parameter for the ‘Everything goes’ capsule was that it had to be me-made. The previous capsules contained also some rtw clothes, so this time I wanted it to be 100% me-made.
I gave myself a bonus: ‘If I would finish a new garment within these 10 days I could change with a previously selected one’.
- Day 1: 4+10
- Day 2: 3+6
- Day 3: 1+8
- Day 4: 5+9 (new)
- Day 5: 8+9 (new)
- Day 6: 3+4
- Day 7: 6+7
- Day 8: 1+2
- Day 9: 7+9 (new)
- Day 10: 6+10
I documented every outfit with a photo on Instagram. Click on the links of the days. Below you see my overview starting with day 1 in the left upper corner.
How did I feel about the-everything-goes-wardrobe capsule?
I must admit that when I selected these 10 garments that I was a bit skeptical that I would manage to make 10 different combinations. But I did! More, I am very pleased with the result. Of course, the new skirt— which I wore 3 times—gave me more combinable options than the Snowball high neck dress.
A second reason why it went so well is that 5 of the 10 garments were solids. That really expands the possible combinations.
New combinations?
Again there were a lot! I think it had been a year since I wore the Seafarer top and the Julia Sweater. So all these pairings were new and I renewed my love for both tops. I will definitely grab them more out of my closet in the future.
Me-Made-May 2019 Wrap
I told you already I so loved my approach to Me-Made-May this year. Not only did I wear at least one me-made garment each day of May but these all belonged to one of the three wardrobe capsules I created. Creating wardrobe capsules was new for me and I followed the guidelines of the 10 x 10 style challenge. I recommend these if you thinking about creating one for yourself.
I’m particularly proud that I was able to dress fit for all the occasions of life for 30 days and I never changed outfits during the day. There were even 4 flights last month.
Another benefit is that I discovered several new combinations I could make with my garments.

I’m a happy sewist who has a fond memory of Me-Made-May 2019!
I really love the gold skirt. Thats so lovely. I am not sure I would have the courage to wear that but I love it.