Me-Made-May’17 is finished! I am happy because I reached my goals: wearing a different me-made garment every day. More, I also pledged to wear at least 10 new me-made’s—sewed between June 2016 and May 2017. I succeeded.
I already wrote about the first half of my MMMay 17. Below, I’ll tell you about the second half and some further general observations.

New garments
Two Rushcutters — In the Folds // Simplicity 1355 // Daphne Day Dress —Sew This Pattern
DKNY Vogue 1349 // Toaster Sweater #2 — Sew House Seven // Nanöo Top and Brooklyn Skirt — Seamwork
Old garments
New Look 6106 // Seafarer Top — Sew Much Ado and Versatile Wrap Skirt — Make it perfect // Crepe Dress — Colette
Zippy Top — See Kate Sew and Skirt from Allemaal rokjes // Box Pleat Skirt from Allemaal rokjes // Rachel Wrap Dress — Maria Denmark
Some observations about the second half of MMMay
There are only little changes in my observations in comparison to the first half of MMMay.
- Still a LOT of prints! I definitely have to sew some solids.
- A variety of colours.
- No repeats, at all.
- An eclectic style.
- We had some ‘tropical’ weather so I was happy to wear my Summer clothes.
- Two old rtw-tops. The others I made myself.
- Taking a picture of yourself every day is quite confronting.
- I enjoy the challenge to search my wardrobe every day to look for a new me-made!
I enjoyed MMMay’17. I am thrilled that I am able to wear unique me-made clothes 31 days in a row. On top of that, I’m really pleased that half of them are recent makes. Though I must confess that I didn’t wear some of the old makes since last May, I was happy with the excuse to wear them again.
This challenge also makes me reflect on my wardrobe. There are some gaps:
* tops
* trousers – I only wore some comfy pants last month
* garments in solid colours
* an in-between seasons coat or jacket
* bra’s

It was also fun and inspiring to see all the beautiful makes from other sewists on Instagram and on the blogs. Again I met some new amazing and creative people.
I am already looking forward to MMMay 2018!