It’s the end of April and that means that Me-Made-May ’18 is very near. What is Me-Made-May? It’s a personal challenge to wear and to love your me-made-garments. This year is the ninth edition. If you want to know more about this challenge I suggest listening to the fantastic interview with Zoe, the founder, on the ‘Love to Sew’ podcast. Or read more on Zoe’s blog.
My Me-Made-May ’18 pledge
I, Wis (from @wis_g and www.whatisew), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’18.
- I endeavor to wear at least one me-made garment each day for the duration of May 2018
- I will wear every garment only once; so no repeats.
- I will wear at least 10 garments I didn’t wear last May 2017.
- If I wear a combo of 2 me-mades I will wear a different combination than the previous years.
My Me-Made-May history
My first became aware of Me-Made-May in 2015. I was reading several sewing blogs and there was some MMMay15 buzz, either in blog posts or in the sidebar widgets. I was intrigued by this and I wondered if I could meet the challenge to wear me-made clothes during a whole month.
In July 2015 I joined Instagram (@wis_g) and made a huge and very inspiring connection with the International Sewing Community. So when Zoe made the announcement on Instagram for MMMay2016 I decided to accept the challenge and make a pledge. More, I made it quite challenging for myself because I endeavored to wear at least one me-made item each day for the duration of May 2016. I had no clue if I could make it but I did. Even more, I was able to wear a different me-made garment for 31 days.
Every day I posted a picture on Instagram. I know this is not the purpose of Me-Made-May but I wanted to document the challenge for myself. More, this was an opportunity for me to archive my me-mades from earlier years. For this, I use the hashtag #wgsewingXX (where XX refers to the year I sewed the garment; so #wgsewing18 is for all my sewing I do in 2018)
Also, the pictures made it easier to contemplate about my self-made wardrobe and sewing.
These were my observations:
- I was able to wear at least one self-made garment every day for 31 days in a row.
- No repeats!
- While I wore only black clothes in the eighties, I was wearing a lot of colour being 55!
- Taking a picture of yourself every day was quite confronting.
- My style is very eclectic!
- There are only 6 self-made tops.

After my successful first Me-Made-May, I participated again last year in MMMay2017. This time I made the challenge a bit more daring for myself. Not only did I endeavor to wear at least one different me-made garment each day for the duration of May 2017. I would also wear at least 10 garments I didn’t wear during May 2016.
For the second time I succeeded and I enjoyed it enormously. To be able to wear a different self-made garment for 31 days in a row made me happy. On top of that, I was really pleased that half of them were recent makes. Though I must confess that I didn’t wear some of the older makes since May 2016, I was happy with the excuse to wear them again.
For MMMay17 I documented on Instagram and wrote three blog posts about it. (I started this blog in December 2016). Again this made it easier to reflect on my wardrobe and sewing.
These were my observations:
- A LOT of prints! I definitely have to sew some solids.
- A variety of colours.
- No repeats, at all.
- An eclectic style.
- At that time we had some ‘tropical’ weather in Belgium so I was happy to wear my summer clothes.
- Two old rtw-tops. The others I made myself.
- Taking a picture of yourself every day is still quite confronting.
- I enjoy the challenge to search my wardrobe every day to look for a new me-made!
Wardrobe-wise I made some progress on self-made tops but I’m still lacking some garments in solid colours to combine with all my prints clothes.

Me-Made-May preparations
How do I prepare for Me-Made-May? I don’t! That’s not exactly true but I mean I don’t sew any new garments especially in advance, or even during the month of May. Of course, when I finish something for myself I will probably wear it. This happened three times in MMMay16 and only once in MMMay17.
How do I then prepare? Instead of grabbing the first garment that comes to my mind in the morning I sort of plan my outfit in advance.
- I go through my agenda and look if there are some special activities or parties planned. If so then I know already which clothes I am going to wear for them.
- How many days do I have to teach or go to school. I try to picture in my head the work appropriate garments I have and that I could wear.
- Are there some vacation days? Again, I make a selection for these days.
- I check the weather forecast as the weather in Belgium is unpredictable. I am hoping for some sunny days because then I can prepare (in my head) my summer clothes.
Be aware that this planning is not on paper. These are only some thoughts in my head and they are not fixed. It is possible that at the end of May I didn’t wear that skirt that I thought of in the beginning. After all participating in Me-Made-May is fun and shouldn’t be a stressy business.
I am really looking forward to MMMay2018. I’m definitely aiming to wear a different me-made garment every day. Also, if I wear two pieces I am going to try to make different combinations from the previous years.
See you at MMMay2018!
Good luck to you, Wis. You’ll do a great job. The goal of wearing different combinations is especially good because it leads to so many new outfits you would never have thought of without this extra push.
I do MMMay but can’t face taking daily pictures! I keep a written record but sure do enjoy seeing everyone else’s posts on instagram. It’s inspirational.