At the end of 2015 when everybody posted their #2015bestnine makes, Rochelle launched the #2016makenine: ‘The nine projects you plan to sew or to craft’ on her Lucky Lucille blog. That was a great incentive to think about the nine projects I really wanted to sew in the then near future. In fact, I’d already planned some in the back of my mind and I had bought all my patterns.

Did I sew these nine projects?
In my 2016 overview you see that I finished 41 projects last year but only 3 of them came out of my MakeNine selection. Why? Do I not like the ones I didn’t sew anymore? No, on the contrary, I still want to sew them but somehow they tumbled down on my priority ladder.

Because I still like the not yet sewed projects of 2016 I decided to keep them on my makenine list for 2017. The new ones are (top row):
* Snowball dress – Yuki Waffle Patterns
* Jane shirt – Ready to Sew
* Falda Jacket – Pattern Fantastique

2017MakeNine, the sequel
My first two makes of 2017 happen to be from my #2016makenine roster. What to do now? Mark them as realised or put two new in it?

Some more things to sew in 2017: 5 WIP’s or should I call them UFO’s?
As I mentioned in my 2016 my sewing mojo drastically decreased after August and somehow that brought me 5 not yet finished projects.
- Duffel bag to use for pattern drafting class
Started in September
I cut all the pieces and bought a zipper - Boxer shorts for my sons
Started in September
I cut all the pieces and made a mistake: the front and the back have different colours from the same fabric! - Jacket for my husband
Started in October
Only needs the second sleeve and the lining - Rosa dress from Tilly and the Buttons
Started in December
I cut all the pieces
Sewed the side seams
Very slippery fabric - Paxson for my son
Started in December
Cut all the pieces
I put the sleeves with the wrong side of the fabric up!
Note to self: please finish these projects in 2017!